Building Bridges through Photojournalism
Photos from young aspiring journalists from Pakistan, Tajikistan and Bangladesh are being showcased as part of a four day photo-journalism workshop in Karachi, Pakistan.
Their work focuses on the topic of social change, and was opened for exhibition on August 28th by Kimberly Strollo, Cultural Affairs Officer of U.S. Consulate General Karachi.
After successful completion of the iEARN Photojournalism 2.0 program from August 2012 to September 2013, iEARN-Pakistan is hosting a PJ2.0 Regional Workshop and Exhibition from August 27, 2013 for teachers and students from the participating countries.
Talking on the inauguration of photo gallery Kimberly Strollo, Cultural Affairs Officer of U.S. Consulate General said that “photo-journalism is more than just taking a few pictures, in today’s world of social media it is even more critical. She further added that visual messages have power to educate, entertain and persuade. She told to young photo journalists that “your work can move people to care and take action on issues of importance to society.”
The PJ 2.0 Regional Workshop and Exhibition includes training workshop on photojournalism sessions and exhibition with a formal opening and exhibit on August 28th. Teachers and students who are part of PJ 2.0 program will participate in the event.
The program includes program introduction and inaugural of PJ 2.0 photo exhibition, followed by country presentations by teachers and students. At the end, the participants will be given certificate of completion for the program. Later half of the program includes session on ‘Advanced Techniques of Photojournalism and Photography’, focusing mainly on ‘Light’ and ‘Digital Photostory’ sessions.
‘Photojournalism 2.0: Images of Social Change’, is a project in collaboration with iEARN Programs in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tajikistan and iEARN-USA, funded by US Department of State-Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs.
See more photos on the iEARN-Pakistan Facebook Page and read coverage of the event by the International Herald Tribune - Investing in South Asia: Students, teachers learn photojournalism.
Twitter hashtag for the program: #iearnpj.