IEARN In Action: November 2021

iEARN Announcements

Out With the Old, In With the New!

The Old Collaboration Centre will be Archived on December 15

  • Be sure to log in to your new Collaboration Centre account HERE to continue connecting with iEARN projects.
  • Check the latest tutorials for support in logging in, joining projects, and managing student accounts HERE.

“Maestro Daniel Reyes” Annual Award

Each year on October 29, iEARN Argentina, pays tribute to Daniel Reyes, mentor and founding contributor to the TELAR Network, by recognizing one or more schools or educators who carry on the spirit of his work. Recipients of the “Maestro Daniel Reyes” Award in 2021 were seven schools in the San Juan Province:

  • Escuela Provincia de Tucumán – Rivadavia – San Juan
  • Colegio Provincial de Rivadavia – Rivadavia – San Juan
  • Escuela Secundaria Marcelino Guardiola – Rawson – San Juan
  • Colegio Parroquial San José – San Juan- San Juan
  • Bachillerato José Manuel Estrada – Chimbas – San Juan
  • Escuela Presidente Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia – Chimbas – San Juan
  • Escuela Victorina Lenoir de Navarro – Media Agua – San Juan

Projects in the TELAR - iEARN Latina Network continue to move forward, in spite of the challenges presented by the second year of the pandemic, due to the impulse, commitment and responsibility of the participating teachers, students and schools.

Premio Anual Maestro Daniel Reyes
Como cada año, celebramos el nacimiento de nuestro mentor. Un 29 de octubre nacía nuestro querido Daniel, hoy, para rendirle homenaje, reconocemos a las escuelas de la provincia de San Juan por su destacada participación en diferentes proyectos de la Red:

  • Escuela Provincia de Tucumán – Rivadavia – San Juan
  • Colegio Provincial de Rivadavia – Rivadavia – San Juan
  • Escuela Secundaria Marcelino Guardiola – Rawson – San Juan
  • Colegio Parroquial San José – San Juan- San Juan
  • Bachillerato José Manuel Estrada – Chimbas – San Juan
  • Escuela Presidente Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia – Chimbas – San Juan
  • Escuela Victorina Lenoir de Navarro – Media Agua – San Juan

En el particular contexto que impuso por segundo año la emergencia sanitaria, el trabajo en la Red TELAR – iEARN Latina sigue adelante por el impulso, el compromiso y la responsabilidad de los docentes y las instituciones educativas que lo sostienen.

Upcoming iEARN Opportunities & Events

Global Educator Hangout - January 2022

Our next Global Educator Hangouts are on January 15, 2022 at 10:00 am ET and 4:00 pm ET. Join us to meet other iEARN educators and find partners for your next project! Tips on connecting in the new Collaboration Centre will be shared.

REGISTER for 10:00 am ET Session

REGISTER for 4:00 pm ET Session

Call for Project News and Media

iEARN is looking for stories about student engagement in iEARN projects. Send your classroom stories along with a photo or brief video (less than 3 minutes) that shows how students collaborated with another class across the world to
You might see your story featured on Social Media! *Please be sure to have photo permission from all participants.

iEARN Post-Project Surveys

Post-Project Surveys - Please Complete once Project Work is Done

Each time you complete an iEARN project, please complete the Educator Post-Project Survey below, and have your students complete the appropriate Student Post-Project Survey below. Your and your students' participation is integral to iEARN's ability to evaluate and strengthen its programming, as well as measure and demonstrate its impact. For the survey for younger students (ages 4-11), teachers may choose to review the questions with their students and fill them out for their students as their students respond verbally. Thank you in advance for your and your students' participation!

Educator Post-Project Survey:

Primary Student Post-Project Survey (for younger students, ages 4-11):

Secondary Student Post-Project Survey (for older students, ages 12-18):

iEARN Projects
Call for Participation / Buscando Colaboración

Learning Circles - Register by January 28, 2022

Are you ready to start the new year with an exciting iEARN project? Do you want to get your students involved in some meaningful international exchanges? Register now to join teachers from all around the world, who will be participating in the January 2022 session of Hello World and iEARN Global Learning Circles!

iEARN Hello World: Learning Circles

Hello World: Learning Circles are for Elementary, Middle, and High School classes are assigned with a group of 5-6 other classes so they have guaranteed partners to collaborate with as well as a facilitator that sends reminders throughout the exchange. Hello World is a great way for teachers to 'train' students on how to be good partners in the projects. This 5-week experience introduces the basics of online projects and Learning Circles including Teacher Introductions, Culture Sharing, and an Information Exchange. Begins: January 30, 2022, ends: March 7, 2022

iEARN Global Learning Circles

iEARN Global Learning Circles provide a structure for students around the world to connect as a team on projects over a period of 10 or 16-weeks. Project Groups of 6-8 classrooms are formed for students to engage in challenges whereby they exchange cultural information and discuss, plan, research, and create their own unique projects. The result is authentic student work and true international collaboration. Begins: January 30, 2022, ends: April 11, 2022 or May 15, 2022 (includes a 1-week break in April)

To learn more, visit the Learning Circles page or contact Barry Kramer at


Worlds of Music - Call for Participation

All interested teachers and students! Projects Facilitator Mary Jo West shares the following message:

"As we get registered, we will work on aligning our vision for a collaboration. Let's look at a start date of January, 2022. If we are agreeable, I would like to float the project of creating music around the theme of "peace." However, happy to work with your preferences and what will work best for you. Thank you!"

To learn more or join, log into your iEARN Collaboration Centre account, and visit the Worlds of Music project in the iEARN Collaboration Centre HERE.

Virtual Exchange of Holiday, Christmas and New Year’s Cards

iEARN Orillas teacher, Adelaida Pagán from Puerto Rico, has created a space for classes to connect and send greetings during this magical time of the year. Adelaida, who teaches Spanish to 8th grade students at a school that specializes in the visual arts, invites you to participate in this exchange of virtual Christmas, New Years and other holiday cards. Through this digital platform we can share greetings and cards and illustrations on themes related to the holiday season and the New Year. Adelaida writes: “There is no better gift than a few words that connect and unite us across distances. Join us!”To participate, send an email to Adelaida Pagán:

Contributions from the participating classes will be published on a Padlet HERE.

Registration: until December 7. Publication: From November 24 to Dec. 14.

Languages: Spanish, English or Portuguese.

Intercambio de tarjetas virtuales navideñas

La maestra de iEARN Orillas en Puerto Rico, Adelaida Pagán, les invita a participar de este intercambio de tarjetas virtuales navideñas. Ella enseña Español a estudiantes de octavo grado, en la Escuela Especializada Central de Artes Visuales. A través de este medio digital, podremos compartir saludos y felicitaciones con temas navideños o deseos de un feliz año nuevo.

Los interesados pueden contactarla al siguiente correo electrónico:

En este enlace se publicarán las aportaciones de las clases participantes AQUI.

Inscripción hasta 7 de diciembre y ahí empieza la fase de publicación hasta el 14 de diciembre.

Pueden participar en español, inglés y portugués.

In the Footsteps of My Grandparents

In this project, facilitated by Catherine Ramoa in Argentina, participants remember or engage in activities with their grandparents, sharing these memories or what they learn about the past with their partner classes. Catherine writes: “I invite you to explore this lovely project where we will be able to enjoy exchanging and reading about the experiences of our dear Grandparents.”

Facilitated in English and Spanish, all ages welcome.

For more information click HERE or contact the facilitator Catherine M. Ramoa at

De la Mano de mis Abuelos
Te invito a explorar este proyecto muy tierno donde podremos disfrutar de las experiencias de nuestros queridos abuelos. Se desarrolla en Inglés y Español, dirigido a todas las edades.

Más información AQUI o contacta a su facilitadora, Catherine M. Ramoa, en

Future Teachers Project:
Knowing Our Students; Knowing Ourselves (KOSKO)

Are you a professor at a university or teacher training institute? Would you like to connect the future teachers in your course with future teachers in other parts of the world? We invite you to participate in the iEARN global learning network project: "Knowing Our Students, Knowing Ourselves" (KOSKO).

To register, please fill out the registration form, if possible by December 17 or as soon as possible, so that we can learn more about your interests and academic calendar. We’ll identify professors with common interests and create partnerships so that the participating professors can start planning now for next semester. The future teachers will communicate between January and June of 2022 (or for any part of that time).



iEARN Project News / Logros de los Proyectos de iEARN

Holiday Card Exchange

On November 8, classes participating in the Holiday Card Exchange project from Taiwan, Pakistan and Thailand met on a video conference. A teacher from Taiwan, Hua-chong Su, wrote about the experience: "We did enjoy experiencing this kind of cultural exchange, knowing and learning different cultures around this planet! Students now are even more excited to wait for the cards!" Visit the Holiday Card Exchange project in the iEARN Collaboration Centre, log into your account and click HERE.

Online Collaborative Projects:

University of Puerto Rico School of Education

This graduate level course at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) was offered by iEARN Orillas. The students explored different themes relating to theories and research on global learning networks. Through this course, UPR graduate students facilitated six iEARN Latina projects: Tyguas Guardians of Birds, Ecoselfie, Express What You Feel, I’ll Tell You a Story, Atlas of Cultural Diversity, and Protectors in Action

Participating for the first time in an iEARN project has been eye-opening for the students in the course. They have expressed how much they’ve enjoyed facilitating these exchanges and how much the projects have motivated the participating students to learn. They understand that this is an excellent strategy for authentic learning in the classroom.

The photos shown here were taken in a Puerto Rican classroom participating in the Ecoselfie Project with partners in Costa Rica.

Curso de Teleproyectos:
Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Ofrecido por iEARN Orillas, el curso estuvo destinado a graduados de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Las estudiantes han explorado los temas de las teorías, las investigaciones y las redes globales de aprendizaje. Como parte del curso, han facilitado 6 proyectos de la red iEARN Latina: Tyguas guardianes de las aves, Ecoselfie, Expresa lo que sientes, Te cuento un cuento, Atlas de la Diversidad y protectores en Acción. Participar por primera vez en un proyecto de iEARN ha sido un abrir de ojos para las estudiantes del curso. Ellas han expresado cuánto han disfrutado facilitar estos intercambios y cuánto se han motivado y aprendido los estudiantes participantes. Entienden que esta estrategia es excelente para el aprendizaje auténtico en la sala de clases.

Las fotos que se incluyen son del Proyecto Ecoselfie, en la clase de Puerto Rico.


Colombia, Armenia and Italy are the new countries that have participated in "Project Stick!"

Is your country not on the map? Sign up HERE.

Colombia, Armenia e Italia son los países que se unieron recientemente al Proyecto Stick!

Tu país no está en el mapa aún? Inscríbite AQUI!

Machinto Project 2021

“In so much destruction, there will always be that little bit of peace.”
- Rocío Figueroa, Rawson, San Juan, Argentina

Students and teachers from Takamori High School in Japan and the Colegio Superior N°1 in San Juan, Argentina, engaged in a productive exchange about Japanese and Argentine school life and culture as part of their participation in the Machinto Project. After discussing the historical events of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, students illustrated posters on themes of peace with their messages and drawings. Teachers Akamatsu Atsuko from Iwakuni City and Martha Soria from San Juan are very happy to share their students’ work and plan to continue the exchange next year. You can see the students’ art work in the iEARN Collaboration Center Machinto Forum.

Estudiantes y maestros de las escuelas Takamori High School de Japón y el Colegio Superior N°1 de San Juan, Argentina, tuvieron un productivo intercambio sobre la vida escolar y la cultura Argentina y Japonesa, a través de frases y dibujos diseñados por los estudiantes en el marco del proyecto Machinto. Las profesoras Akamatsu Atsuko, de Iwakuni City, y Martha Soria de Rawson, están muy felices de compartir las producciones de sus estudiantes mientras planifican continuar el intercambio el próximo año. Pueden ver sus producciones en el foro del proyecto en el Centro de Colaboración de iEARN.

Atlas of Cultural Diversity

The international Atlas of Cultural Diversity, second edition 2021, was enriched by valuable contributions from schools in Argentina, Colombia, Spain (Cantabria and Catalunya) and Puerto Rico (Guaynabo, highlighted above in the photo). Visit the project site HERE.

Atlas de la Diversidad Cultural

En escenario internacional del Proyecto Atlas de la Diversidad segunda edición 2021, apreciamos producciones de escuelas de Argentina, Colombia, España (Cantabria y Catalunya) y Puerto Rico (escuela de Guaynabo, a la que destacamos). Visite el red AQUI.

Protectors in Action

This month participants in the project Protectores en Acción (in English, Protectors in Action) included youth from three countries: Argentina, the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The classes stayed in close touch, communicating online and organizing videoconferences in order to create videos, posters and virtual books that they shared in the project blog. These student-authored books focused on caring for a pet or protecting an animal in their region in danger of extinction, and were not only visually engaging but also reflected thoughtful research. As a culminating activity the classes organized an exhibition and exchange of ideas in Spanish among the art students at IPEMyT 23 LES in Unquillo, Argentina and the Spanish students at Darien High School. Visit the blog HERE.

Protectores en acción
Durante este mes han participado jóvenes de tres países en el proyecto Protectores en Acción: Argentina, Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Cada grupo realizó actividades en la virtualidad y también de forma presencial, confeccionando vídeos, pósters y libros virtuales que fueron compartidos en el blog del proyecto; los mismos hacen referencia a algún animal de su zona que esté en peligro de extinción o sobre el cuidado de sus mascotas. Las producciones han resultado muy ricas en investigación y elaboración visual. Cerramos este ciclo con una videoconferencia con exposición e intercambio de ideas entre los alumnos de Arte del IPEMyT 23 LES de Unquillo y los jóvenes de Darien High School, en español.

Se logran acuerdos a futuro entre las nuevas generaciones para el cuidado de los animales. Visite el blog AQUI.

Affective Dictionary

Schools from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Catalunya and Argentina will be concluding their project activities in the next few days. Their contributions to the Affective Dictionary can be viewed in the Padlet they created.

Diccionario Afectivo

Escuelas de Santo Domingo, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Catalunya y Argentina, están finalizando su participación en el proyecto Diccionario Afectivo. Pueden ver las actividades de los estudiantes en los muros creados por ellos AQUI.

Friends around the World and Bird Guardians Projects

School Nº 11 on river Paraná Mini and Arroyo Chana, in San Fernando Islas, Delta del Paraná, Argentina, participated in these two projects this year, with all the difficulties posed by the pandemic, and others due to its reality of being “Delta” schools, where its teachers and some of the students arrive in boats. Students researched about birds, shared their productions, and even sang a song with their music teacher, dedicated to their project partners at Southeastern School in Fishers, Indiana, USA.

Proyectos Amigos alrededor del Mundo y Guardianes de las aves
La escuela Primaria Nº 11 de los ríos Paraná Mini y arroyo Chana, en San Fernando Islas, tercera sección Delta del Paraná, Argentina, participó en estos dos proyectos este año, con todas las dificultades que les presentó la pandemia, y otras debido a su realidad de ser escuelas “del Delta”, donde sus maestros y algunos de los estudiantes llegan en lanchas. Los estudiantes investigaron sobre las aves, compartieron sus producciones y hasta cantaron una canción con su maestra de música, dedicada a sus compañeros de proyecto en la Escuela Southeastern Elementary de Fishers, Indiana, Estados Unidos.

Recent iEARN Opportunities & Events

International Collaboration and
Global Projects for the Classroom Webinar

To honor its tradition of coming together, be it face to face or virtually, the iEARN Community is meeting to celebrate its achievements, strengthen our bonds, share experiences, increase youth participation, learn together and think about future projects to continue making a difference in the world through project work.

This month’s webinar shared ways to collaborate with the iEARN network and hear from special presenters about four iEARN projects that can be used in your classroom. View the Recording HERE.

Watch for the December webinar which will feature best practices for hosting an iEARN conference and tips for organizing your next iEARN gathering.



Sign up for the iEARN-International Newsflash.


Join the iEARN Collaboration Centre

Connect with educators and youth across iEARN's network
