Tres Bosques, Un Mundo (Three Forests, One World) Project
Check out a new video below featuring students and teachers in the Dominican Republic and United States collaborating to help the environment!
The Tres Bosques, Un Mundo (Three Forests, One World) Program is an international, collaborative, science-based exchange program that is empowering students and teachers to lead their schools in new research, analyze data, and take responsible environmental action.
U.S. and Dominican teachers have been trained in forest ecology, including identification and measurement techniques, thus gaining practical skills to pass on to their students. As part of the program, teachers and students from the United States (Washington State and New York) and the Dominican Republic participated in 3-week exchanges to each other's countries in 2010 and 2011. The program participants also came together in New York City at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) to present the program at the annual YouthCaN conference on April 26, 2010. Learn more about the program in the video below.
The 16-month Internet and exchange project is made possible through a grant from the Office of Citizen Exchanges in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.